Thursday, September 4, 2008

My husband thinks it is all about him...

My husband thinks it is all about him and it really drives me up the wall. I got a phone call this morning, at 8 something. I was in from helping the school aged kids catch the bus, changing the 22 month old and negotiating fashion sense with the 3 1/2 year old (I lost) and he leaves a message. "K- if you get this please call me back." I DESPISE these kinds of messages. I mean come on, you sound like high school drama queen calling to tell me you broke a nail and the manicure place stopped stocking your favorite color pink...
But who knows, maybe something really did happen that I need to know about. I use this rational every time he leaves that message. And I call him back at 9:05 AM. He tells me that the contract he is supposed to start in two weeks just sent him a message that they are canceling the release and won't need him. He sounds like somebody just died. And all I can think is, 'sorry babe, you are a consultant. This is the risk you take." I've been living this roller coaster for 11 years. I've been a damn good sport. But don't interrupt my day to tell me this - there is nothing I can do and nothing I can say and you are mad because in between your earth shattering bad news I am speaking to the previously mentioned small people currently running around my kitchen and fighting amongst themselves and with the dog. And somehow my lack of ability to focus soley on you makes you feel not quite validated in your bad mood funk and what can I say? I cannot fix this. You choose this life. It isn't personal. You are not supposed to take it personal but you do, every friggin time, you do. Get over yourself. And get back to work, you have 6 mouths to feed besides your own. I swear, I am getting a high powered High Paying job as soon as 22 month old hits kindergarten. I don't know what it will be, but "wife of consultant" does not pay enough and the risk factor is giving us all ulcers.

1 comment:

Tiff said...

I just read a couple of your post and really enjoyed them..I think your marriage and my marriage are allot my hubby he is my best friend..but at times my worst glad to read that someone else has a life kinda like mine! BTWW the Hollywood Cemetery is in the middle of downtown Richmond...It is huge and very should go if you find time! It was just nice to get out and walk some!