Friday, April 17, 2009

Feel Free...

I love it when I plan out my day. It gives me such a grown up sense of accomplishment. And then things immeditely fall apart. Today was one such day. I had it planned, I knew what I was doing and then... swoosh it all changed because Gaye's kids were sick and so I pitched in at school for 3 hours so she could go home... and all the morning errands became afternoon errands... and I arrived home at 3 PM - deposited worn out sleeping toddlers into beds and checked facebook. I am absolutely addicted to facebook. It's like my coffee. Actually, I tell people it is my "cigarette break" although I've never smoked. {never even tried one if you can believe it. they smell so nasty}

and on my facebook is:

Hey Kitty,
I just posted info about S****'s reception on the FB page AND I figured out how to make other people "administrators" of the site (so you can post events, pictures, etc). I made you an admin, thinking back to the consignment sale. (How did that go, anyway? Is there a grand total?) We might was well do the same for everyone on the list. I have to run to a class now, but feel free to go to the members list and make anyone/everyone an administrator.

Amy is not my friend on facebook. I wrote to her about a preschool fundraiser since she had started a "friends of" page for persons who had graduated the preschool. Amy and I have gone to the same church for almost 10 years. She has spoken to me twice, maybe three times. She and her other friends, also all mommies whose kids have gone to preschool and sunday school with my kids for 8 years, do not talk to me. I've posted about them before.

And so even though I want to write back "I am sorry. While you were out with one of your two kids today I had my two youngest running all over town after pinch hitting at preschool today for 3 hours. My two year old was on the floor of Barnes and Nobles taking off her shoes while I looked for a birthday present for my 10 year old to give to her friend this evening. So I appreciate your offer to "feel free" but I'm busy too. It's your page - do what you want."

And instead I will just IGNORE her and her message because that is the BEAUTY of facebook. I adore the IGNORE button. So please, feel free to boss me around. Because I do indeed feel free to ignore you.


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