Sunday, September 28, 2008

So I need to lay off

I fI am not careful this is going to become "Kitty's grievance blog against the husband."  Which would be a drag. 
and so despite the fact that I am irritated as hell with him, I shall attempt to blog about something else.
So... I have somehow landed the lovely job of being on the Auction Committee this year for the Preschool.  And on top of that, being the class art projects person.  I've done art projects for the auction about 4 years ago (?) My now almost 8 year old son was then... one or two... so I guess it was 6 years ago.  
Anyway - last time I did it the Auction Chair at the time pretty much said "we've agreed on quilt, pieced for 4 year old classes but not pieces for other classes... we want handprints of each kid... due date is such and such..'GO' " and that was that.  This year L- won't let it go so I'm doing everything on her time line and I'm about to combust here.
I have yet to finish unpacking from the spring's adventures
I have to organize school papers
I need to read the books on dyslexia and study the law a bit
I need to get my business back up and running 
AND INSTEAD I am quilting and painting and trying to write

there are not enough hours in the day - there are def. not enough hours without the 2 year old helping or destroying the whole thing

1 comment:

Tiff said...

darn...i love reading you complain about the hubby..makes me feel right at swear sometimes our hubby's could be brothers....and yes i agree never enough hours..specially with young house always seems like it needs to be cleaned...kinda like :)